Korean Instant Coffee Craze

By Bobby Park

In recent years, the per capita coffee consumption has been increasing significantly in Korea. Although the newest coffee craze has been mostly about americanos and cafe lattes from coffee shops, the Korean instant coffee business has been steadily been in the market for years. Not only is instant coffee easy to make, it can give you a boost of energy in a short amount of time with minimal effort! Here are the top well known instant coffees from in Korea.

1. Kanu

 With Gong Yu as its main model, Kanu is rich in flavor and most closely resembles the americano that can be found in a regular coffee shop.

2. Maxim Mocha Gold

 Maxim Mocha Gold is one of the most, if not the most, popular instant coffee in Korea. It's distinctive sweet flavors captures the taste buds of many Korean coffee lovers.

3. French Cafe

French Cafe instant coffee is also a popular brand that has a luxurious taste that makes you think that you are in France, sipping on coffee that was just brewed. WIth Jung Haein as its main model, the brand has been expanding towards becoming an actual cafe and making other drinks.


 A recent trend in Korea is to freeze the instant coffee stick with some water and milk to create an icy cold ice cream!


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