Flavor of the Week: Honey Dipped Banana Chip

Flavor of the Week: Honey Dipped Banana Chip

Taste like a banana, sting like a bee

by RoyalCha

As Koreans get more inventive and creative with their flavored snacks, one specific flavor still rings loudest; honey butter. But, how about breaking from the honey butter routine and trying honey banana? Honey Dipped Banana Chip

Honey Dipped Banana Chips are a favorite among the health gurus in the office. The bag is filled with slices of real bananas; dried and dipped in real honey! I know that sounds like a mouthful of sugary sweet, but trust me, these chips are light and crisp. The honey flavor is not overwhelming, and you still get that nice, starchy, banana crunch with every bite. For people who are wary of faux banana snacks, these chips are still perfect. I myself don’t like the fake yellow flavor some candy makers try to pass off as “banana.” This snack, however, is just the right amount of authentic dried banana taste to keep me munching on and on. What’s better is that this bag is resealable! Delicious and convenient. You can have some at any time and not worry about chip clips or rubber bands. So if you’re hungry, but also being health conscious, or just like bananas, give this snack a try! Available in our shop!

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