5 Underground Korean R&B Artist to Check Out on Soundcloud

5 Underground Korean R&B Artist to Check Out on Soundcloud

The K-Pop industry is full of amazing artists but often overlooked are artists trying to break into the music scene without the help of a large company. These underground artists are very talented, in more than just their vocals. Most of the songs are also written, produced, and arranged by these artists themselves or with the collaboration of other underground artists and producers. The following is a short list of a few of the many talented underground Korean artists that deserve to be supported and encouraged in their art.

Bevy Maco

To start of this list is Bevy Maco. His voice is the epitome of R&B music. It is emotional and smooth and enchanting as it draws you into a state of relaxing euphoria.

Bevy Maco’s Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/datmrco


Next up is Rheehab, an R&B and Hip-Hop artist. He has a warm and comforting voice when he sings and he his rap flow is always controlled and smooth.

Rheehab’s Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/csaf2244


Third on the list is DA₩N. His voice is very bright and delicate and you can’t help to sway your head to the rhythm his voices carries.

DA₩N’s Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/around_dawn94


The next artist you should check out is rosy. She has very a soft and delicate voice but it is also bright, sharp, and airy like a flute.

rosy’s Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rosy2096


Last, but certainly not least, is K.vsh. His voice is very clear and sexy and is very silky as it flows through your mind.

K.vsh’s Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/diskvsh

Hopefully, these few artists opened your eyes to the underground scene of Korean R&B and piqued an interested in finding new music and supporting up and coming artists pursuing their dreams.

Written by Lindsey Conley

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